International Tax Planning Services
To help you sort through the maze of national tax laws and international tax treaties, Meaden & Moore’s international tax team offers a comprehensive range of tax planning and preparation services.
Easing International Tax Complexities
Tax challenges can be overwhelming for companies operating in a multinational environment. Meaden & Moore offers extensive experience handling day-to-day international tax issues, as well as designing and executing safe and effective strategies for worldwide tax minimization.
Our relationship with AGN International enables us to provide your business with real-time, on-the-ground representation from licensed international tax accountants in more than 80 countries worldwide.
We strongly encourage proactive tax planning to any company doing business internationally, taking into consideration both U.S. and non-U.S. tax regulations.

A World of International Tax Expertise
Customs duties, sales taxes, excise taxes, social taxes, and value-added taxes can result in significant costs of doing business across borders – and these costs vary greatly from one country to the next. To help you sort through the maze of national tax laws and international tax treaties, Meaden & Moore offers a comprehensive range of international tax services.
- International tax planning services and compliance
- Recreation with tax authorities
- Individual tax
- Corporate tax equalization program
design, review, and implementation - Research and treaty review
- Preparation of Foreign Bank and
Financial Accounts Reports (FBAR) - Foreign trust reporting
- IRS Offshore Voluntary Disclosure
Program (OVDP) consultation,
representation, and application
preparation and compliance

Tax Planning Guide
A comprehensive guide to help you prepare business and personal taxes for 2024–2025. With tax law changes already in effect for 2024 and potential updates on the horizon, you may have questions about tax planning this year.
Delivering insights and points of view on vital news, strategies to consider, technology developments, and current topics that are important to your business and personal financial success. Check here for content from Meaden & Moore professionals.

Ohio Tax and Advisory Resources
If you're navigating complex tax regulations in Ohio or seeking strategic business guidance, our expertly curated resources are here to support you in making informed decisions that drive your business forward.
Meet Our Experts
At Meaden & Moore, our people are our most vital asset, providing the strength behind our reputation, technical excellence, and top-notch quality service. Wherever your business operates, you can count on the leaders at Meaden & Moore to provide the comprehensive services you need.