Over the past few years, the risk of having to recall a product has greatly increased. Regardless of the cause, products get recalled almost every day. While this might be a positive on the consumer side, it can be quite costly for businesses, especially those lacking the proper insurance or legal knowledge.
In order to provide both legal and insurance advice regarding product recalls and food contamination, Perrin Conferences is hosting a “Past, Present and Predictions” Product Contamination and Recall Insurance Symposium. This event is taking place on October 1, 2015 at Andaz Hotel and will also offer attendees an opportunity to earn a CLE credit.
Some of the key concepts being discussed during the symposium include:
- The FDA Food Safety Modernization Act of 2011 and how it has impacted insurance coverage
- An overview of the product contamination insurance claim process, including the issues and concerns that arise at various stages
- Overview of ‘Crisis Management’ insurance coverage. This includes a look at ‘product recall coverages,’ ‘accidental product contamination’ coverages, and ‘malicious product tampering’ coverages
- How to mitigate losses caused by recall through a variety of strategies as well as metrics for evaluating the overall costs associated with recall products, including penalties and fees
- An in-depth look at business interruption, product valuation, and expenses as well as how to quantify first party product and contamination/ recall losses.
- How to identify third party liability
The experts who will be leading these discussion include:
- Michael Castillo, Partner, Meaden & Moore
- Scott Harper, Specialty Underwriting Manager - Product Contamination, Houston Casualty Company
- Michael Tocicki, President, Premier Insurance Services
- John Turner, Vice President / Head of Product Recall for USA & Canada, XL Catlin
- Jeff Weinstein, Esq., Partner, Mound Cotton Wollan & Greengrass LLP
Registration is complimentary. For more information, or to register for the event, please contact Kelsey Browning Minerd, MS at kminerd@perrinconfeerences.com or (610) 389-2979 .