Advisory & Consulting Blog | Meaden & Moore

The State of Talent Optimization - 2022 Report

Written by Lisa Foley | Feb 23, 2022 3:27:04 PM

In November 2021, The Predictive Index surveyed 326 executives about The Great Resignation. Not only did they share their thoughts on why their people are quitting, but also their own mounting frustrations with work.

As the report shows, companies that have the best odds of combatting churn recognize the value of their people and put them in environments where they thrive. They are achieving success with talent optimization.

1 in 5 workers quit in the last 6 months.

The study began by asking executives the following question: “To your best knowledge, what percentage of your workforce quit in the past 6 months?” The average response across all industries was 20%.

75% of executives say The Great Resignation impacted their financial stability.

When asked whether The Great Resignation has impacted their balance sheet, 75% of business leaders agreed.

Learn what’s driving The Great Resignation—and how talent optimization can help you turn the tide.

Download our full 40+ page report, and get more than 25 key findings.

Download the report here.


Please contact me if you have any questions.