WEBINAR: PPP Loans – An Update on What Bankers are Seeing as Loans get Processed
On December 7th, Ryan Kilbane from KeyBank discussed what he has seen so far with applications submitted, some common issues noted, how many loans have required additional review and how many have gone to the SBA.
Additionally, Carlin Culbertson from Meaden & Moore spoke briefly about what he has seen when reviewing client calculations before they are submitted to the bank, along with other updates that were available at the time of the webinar.
Webinar Overview:
- Stimulus update
- Review of calculations
- Feedback so far
- What to expect when applying for loan forgiveness
- PPP loan forgiveness application process best practices

View webinar here. Have additional questions and/or needs related to COVID-19? Check out our dedicated resources or contact us directly.
Topics: Tax Planning & Strategies , Small Business , Accounting & Auditing , Accounting and Tax Resource , COVID-19