John J. Balsamo, CPA, CFE
Vice President, Investigative Accounting and Litigation Support
John has over fifteen years of experience in providing forensic accounting and financial investigation services, litigation support, and internal control review and assessment services for the insurance and legal professions, corporations, and exempt organizations. John’s areas of expertise include fidelity, marine insurance claims, business interruption, commercial property, stock loss, and employee dishonesty claims.
Before joining Meaden & Moore, LLP, John worked for four and a half years as a Special Auditor Investigator for the New York State Attorney General’s (“NYOAG”) Office in the Medicaid Fraud Control Unit. At the NYOAG, he conducted numerous investigations involving money laundering, employee dishonesty, over-billing, kick-back, and bribery schemes. He has testified as an expert witness with respect to Grand Jury indictments, in depositions, and at trial.
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Member
Association of Certified Fraud Examiners, Member
Areas of Specialization
- Fidelity
- Marine insurance claims
- Business interruption
- Commercial property
- Stock loss
- Employee dishonesty claims.
Marist College, Bachelor of Science in Accounting