Carl Wells
Senior Manager, Tax Services Group
Carl has many years of experience in providing tax and accounting services to both public and closely held companies. This included representation before the IRS, tax planning, and forensic analysis in both civil and criminal tax cases for other attorneys. He practiced law for many years specializing in tax and probate law before commiting full-time as a CPA specializing in small business and individual tax. Carl has brought cases before the Tax Court, Board of Tax Appeals, and IRS appellate divisions. During his career, Carl has been a forensic CPA in Fortune 500 cases and performed audits of Fortune 500 tax accruals as well as individual and corporate tax cases and sales and liquidations of closely held businesses.
Professional Development
- Ohio Society of Certified Public Accounts
- American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
Community / Philanthropic Pursuits
- Learn n' Play of Wooster, Director and Treasurer
- Schantz MakerSpace, Director and Treasurer
- Wayne County Humane Society, Past Treasurer and Director
Areas of Specialization
- Individuals, partnerships and closely held tax planning
- Tax Research and planning, analysis
- Corporate and individual tax analysis and projections
- Representation before the IRS
- Graduate of Ohio University, Bachelor of Business Administration
- Graduate of Cleveland State University College of Law, Juris Doctor of Law